
Biomarkers and Biosignatures in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

(0), 2024 09 16

Join us on a captivating journey into the cosmos as we explore the tantalizing possibility of life beyond Earth through the lens of biomarkers and biosignatures. In this engaging talk, we will delve into the cutting-edge science behind identifying and characterizing the subtle clues that could reveal microbial life on other planets. From the detection of organic molecules and metabolic byproducts to the analysis of isotopic patterns and mineral formations, discover how scientists are piecing together the puzzle of life’s potential existence across the universe. With insights from current missions like NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars and upcoming explorations of icy moons like Europa, we will uncover the groundbreaking technologies and innovative strategies propelling our search for extraterrestrial life. Whether you’re a seasoned space enthusiast or a curious mind, this talk promises to ignite your imagination and expand your understanding of the profound quest to answer the ultimate question: Are we alone in the universe? (Anglų kalba) Trukmė 45 min. užsiėmimas, 15 min. diskusija). Skirta nuo 9 klasių.

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Renginio informacija

Renginio nr.22
Lektorius(-iai)dokt. Barkha Yakub Bale
Data2024 09 16
VietaNFTMC B435 aud.
AdresasSaulėtekio al. 3, Vilnius, Lietuva


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